Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Implant Supported vs. Traditional Dentures

Missing teeth in your smile not only affects your oral health, but your smile’s beauty and the confidence that image brings as well. However, if you are missing a whole arch of teeth, there are treatment options for you to choose from. Traditional full and partial dentures and implant supported full and partial dentures are two viable options that can effectively return the function and look of your smile.

Traditional Dentures

Dentures are removable prostheses that can replace a full arch (full dentures) or several missing teeth throughout an arch (partial dentures). These restorations can be made up of porcelain, but are usually made of acrylic resin for its durability and it secure binding to the denture base. Additionally, certain polymers can be used to create a flexible partial denture for patient comfort.
The dentist will make an impression of the patients gum to create a wax model to make sure it is suitable for the patient’s mouth.  However, diet and speech are affected with the use of dentures while the patient gets used to wearing them. Additionally, these prostheses may not fit as properly as you continue to wear them, due to jaw resorption; relining the dentures for a continuously effective fit is an element to the treatment.

Implant Supported Dentures

The main difference between dentures and implant supported dentures is the stability and comfort the implants provide, for these hold the dentures in place without laying against the palate. This means implant-supported full and partial dentures tend to be less obstructive within the mouth than their traditional counterparts.
Implant-supported dentures also prevent the decline of the jaw bone, as the dental implant posts give the bone something to support. With titanium implants integrated into the jaw bone, it’s just clicking dentures into place and your smile is renewed. Your diet doesn’t change, your speech is renewed, and the bone in your jaw is supported.  Implant supported dentures are convenient, reliable, and an effective way to restore your smile by stabilizing the prosthetic.
The only downside to implant-supported dentures is the initial cost; receiving traditional dentures is less expensive than receiving the implants to support dentures. However, when the constant relining that must be done for traditional dentures is considered, implant-supported dentures tend to be the less expensive solution for long-term budgets.

Contact Us Today!

Whether you choose traditional or implant-supported dentures, contact our St. Louis dental practice for either treatment. Carondelet Park Dental Care serves patients in St. Louis through restorative dentistry services, including dentures and dental implants.

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